Eat Better And Move More To Blast Away Brain Fog
If you’ve ever worried about being forgetful, there’s good news: it might actually show intelligence! Scientists have just announced in the journal Neuron that forgetting things can make you smarter. They claim that the goal of intelligent memory is to sift out the information which needs to be kept, and let useless facts go. This got me thinking about how I might improve my memory and brain function. I’m a fan of yoga inversions for clearer thinking but wondered what else I could do to boost my brainpower. By making a few simple changes to my diet and exercise habits, I’m already seeing results.
Better food choices for brain-boosting
The first change I made was to cut down on my coffees and increase my water intake. Despite the initial quick-fix, caffeine can cause dehydration, leaving you feeling sluggish and lethargic. Next, I looked at a common cause of brain fog: vitamin B-12 deficiency. Eggs and dairy products are good sources of vitamin B-12 for those without dairy allergies. For me, an easy option was to cook eggs for breakfast more often, which the kids loved too. Encouraged by these changes, I put away the take-out menu (MSG in particular can cause brain fog) and got creative in the kitchen; did you know that bone broth can boost the brain? It contains nutrients which improve circulation in the brain and help learning and memory. I’m still finding new ways to use food for better brain power; including trying oily fish such as mackerel and sardines and eating more green leafy vegetables, but I’m already feeling sharper and clearer during the day.
Clearing my mind through exercise
With my food choices in better shape, I decided to shake up my exercise program. A recent study from the University of British Columbia found that regular aerobic exercise can encourage the hippocampus to grow; that’s the part of your brain you use for verbal memory and learning. As if the existing health benefits of cardiovascular exercise weren’t enough, that was all the incentive I needed to get my sneakers on and start running! Exercise also releases endorphins, the feel-good hormones that make us feel energized and happy, as well as reducing stress and anxiety. I also try and take a yoga class once a week to strengthen my body and clear my mind. As a result of all of this, I now sleep so much better, which means I wake up feeling fresher and clearer in thought.
Boosting your brainpower isn’t an overnight project, but I already feel much better with the changes I’ve made. Drinking more water and taking more exercise made an almost immediate difference to my energy levels and clarity of thought. With the other changes I’ve made to my diet, I’m confident that I’m laying down the foundations for a healthier, better functioning brain over time. Eating better and moving more for a sharper mind? It’s a no-brainer.

If you would like to contact Jane for further info, you can connect with her @ janesandwood.writer@gmail.com.

Here are a few other articles about increasing your brain power: Inversions Make You Smarter, Naps Are Yummy & Good for Your Memory
Great post Lisa! I really like bone broth and I have been buying it (because I can’t seem to make the time to make it myself). It is available from some local butcher shops and online from Fire and Kettle. Bon Appetit!
My other favorite delicious brain/body booster is bone marrow sliced and sautéed in butter. Very French.