Here is a story you might enjoy. I wrote in ten minutes at our weekly Big Island Writers Group. The prompt was:
Dark is Divine
Reaching with pale fingers, Lucy hovered above the box of chocolates. Murray had brought them over. He owed her.
“How sweet. You shouldn’t have!” she drawled with just a hint of sarcasm.
Uncle Murray stood on the door step and bowed. “Well, you are my favorite niece.”
“Do come in, you fat sack of shit”. Not saying the 2nd half of the sentence out loud, a big honey dew melon smile plastered on her face. She waved him over to the red velvet divan.
“Sherry, Uncle Murray?”
She set the lacy box on the marble coffee table, lifted up the foil lid and hovered. Each bonbon was different. Waving her fingers in mid air she plucked up the darkest one and right before popping it onto her tongue, she said, “I prefer dark to light. Unlike you, you racist piece of shit.” Again, she only articulated the first part of the sentence.
As if he heard her full comment, Uncle Murray’s raccoon eyebrows shot up and he huffed, “Well, Lucy, be that as it may, white ones are superior.”
She wanted to throttle him right there and then but that would not do. Slowly she swiveled toward the dining room and called out,
“Constance, Farina, come meet your Uncle Murray.”
Two tall, dark-skinned teenagers walked into the room and stood before the divan.
In honey sweet voices, they chimed in unison, “A pleasure to meet you..” and reached out their hands to shake his.
“Why, I, didn’t know I had grand nieces. Twins! And you are so dark. I mean, ah, lovely. You are both… lovely girls,” He stuttered, still not taking their proffered hands.
Lucy broke the silence. “Here, Constance and Farina, look what Great Uncle Murray brought…. a box of chocolates. The dark ones are divine.”
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